Page 19 - SOTA2022
P. 19
Water is Life - Joanne Dunglison
Water is our most
precious and essential
element on our planet.
Without it life would
not exist. It is motile,
it is patient. Over time
it can carve a valley,
nurture a forest, create
life and sometimes
destroy it. It shapes
the landscape and
drives the weather.
Water in all its forms is
the one thing that
humans, plants,
animals and
minerals need for their
very existence.
• Ice dyed 100%
cotton fabric using
Procion dyes. Glass
& bugle beads, shell
beads, sequins,DMC
& Perle embroidery
threads, wool &
decorative yarns,
ribbons, cotton
& rayon machine
• I dyed the
background fabric
using ice &
powdered Procion
dyes. The blue
square was FMQ,
then hand-
embroidered &
embellished with
beads, yarns &
shells, then
appliqued onto the
background. Yarns,
threads & ribbons
were hand
twisted together
then couched to
form rivers & plants