Material Facts
To make sure that our members, no matter where they call home, can be kept up to date on the goings on within Queensland Quilters, the activities of our affiliated groups and fellow members and trends and developments in the craft of patchwork & quilting in general, we publish a quarterly magazine called “Material Facts”.
Our first Material Facts Vol 1/1 was sent to members in March 1984. We now produce our magazine four times a year, at the beginning of March, June, September and December reaching approximately 650-700 quilters throughout Queensland and surrounding states.
If you would like to submit an article on the activities or achievements of yours, your affiliated group, or a fellow member then please contact the Editor at
Also if you would like to advertise your business within our Newsletter then we welcome your enquiry. We have a standard set of rates but if you would like to discuss your advertising requirements with us further please contact our Editor at
Between the Facts
Each month, we send out an email newsletter, to keep you up to date with what is happening, particularly with regard to our monthly meetings, traders, speakers and the activities of our Special Interest Groups.
If you would like to have something published in Between the Facts, please contact the editor at