Application for Assistance: Charity and Raffle Quilts Application for Assistance: Charity and Raffle Quilts If you need assistance with your application, please contact Vice President, Judy Hodgkinson, or 0417 633 839 Secretary, Judith Edwards, Applications close on 26th April 2024 Affiliated Group Name * Contact Name * Number of Members in Group * Email Address * Phone Number Mobile Project On behalf of the above Affiliated Group, I wish to apply for assistance from Queensland Quilters Inc for the following project Radio Buttons * Charity Quilt in support of Raffle Quilt in support of Single Line Text Funds Required Maximum $250 Items to be purchased * Amount * $ Item to be purchased Amount $ Item to be purchased Amount $ Total * Amount * $ Bank Account Details Funds will be transferred to this Bank Account, if approved Account Name * BSB * Account Number * Rationale Please provide a brief explanation as to why you are applying for this assistance (max 100 words) Paragraph Text * Confirmation I acknowledge that Checkboxes * The Affiliated Group is currently a financial member of Queensland Quilters Inc and has been a member for the past 3 years The maximum amount that will be granted is $250 The assistance is not ongoing and must be applied for in the year it is required There is no guarantee that by applying for assistance it will be granted The assistance provided by Queensland Quilters Inc will be acknowledged in any associated publicity The Affiliated Group agrees to the conditions and accountability requirements as published on Queensland Quilters website Captcha Signature * signature keyboard Clear Date If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit