Quilt Assist - Qld Quilters Inc supporting Queensland Charities

Definition: Quilt Assist is the avenue by which Qld Quilters Inc provides funding to Affiliated Groups to assist nominated Queensland charities.

2024 Applications

Assist to Affiliated Groups of Queensland Quilters Inc. – Please apply.

Queensland Quilters is a not for profit organisation with the objectives of promoting the art and craft of patchwork and quilting  bringing together like minded people and supporting our local and state-wide communities. In the difficult times we have had over the past few years with Covid, droughts and floods, Queensland Quilters Inc offers support to Affiliated Groups with financial assistance towards the cost of making quilts providing batting or materials, or other appropriate items for charity, hospitals, disaster relief or people in need.

Please discuss these issues with your group and apply as early as possible in 2024.

Looking forward to hearing how our Affiliated Groups throughout Queensland and Northern NSW assist their local communities.

  • Up to $250.00 to assist with Charity, Raffle Quilts or other requested items to benefit Queensland Charities

Applications close on 26th April


  • Affiliated Groups who have been financial members of Queensland Quilters Inc for 3 consecutive years are eligible to apply for funding.
  • The annual budget for Quilt Assist is reviewed by the Management Committee in March.
  • Application forms and conditions for funding and accountability to be published on Qld Quilters website.
  • All applications for Quilt Assist to be completed online.
  • Applications close at the end of April, so that applications can be considered and approved at the May meeting of the Management Committee.
  • Affiliated Groups must be financial to be considered for funding.
  • Recommendations to be made by the Coordinator of Quilt Assist to the Management Committee meeting in May.
  • Funding to be allocated initially to groups who have not received funding previously and then to groups who have not received funding in the previous year.
  • The decision by the Management Committee is final and no discussions will be entered into.
  • Affiliated Groups to be advised of the success of their applications in May after the Management Committee meeting.
  • Funding decisions to be recorded on Quilt Assist Records Spreadsheet.
  • Funding decisions to be published in Material Facts.
  • Funding to be provided by direct deposit to the accounts provided to Qld Quilters by the Affiliated Groups.

Accountability for Funding Provided

  • Funded groups are asked to provide Qld Quilters with some images of raffle, charity quilts or other items made and donated to charities, with permission for publication on our website page listing supported charities and for use in our newsletters.
  • All images should be provided to Qld Quilters by end of the year.

Application Forms


Quilt Assist Application Form

Please complete and submit online.

If you  need assistance with your application, please contact

Vice President, Judy Hodgkinson, vicepresident@qldquilters.com or 0417 633 839

Secretary, Judith Edwards, secretary@qldquilters.com